Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Web Syndication and Atom Feeds

Due to popular demand ;-) I added a web feed for my blog. [Much to my surprise I discovered today that there is at least one occasional reader of this blog besides me. Thanks for your kind words.]

I experimented with web feeds when I first heard about the Live Bookmarks feature of Firefox. It wasn't so long ago, and the process was straightforward: I created a few RSS 0.91 files, and filled them with bookmarks, each entry using a title, description and link tag.

Now I find that RSS has forked into two different formats, confusingly named “RSS 1.0” and “RSS 2.0”. (In fact, there are more versions of RSS.) A third contender, Atom has surfaced.

It seems Atom 1.0 is the most fashionable choice, so I wrote a script to generate an Atom feed for this blog.

Atom is more complicated than RSS 0.91. Dates must be included and have to be in RFC 3339 format. Unfortunately the date command in Debian stable is too old to support the --rfc-3339 switch, so instead I used

date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z $* | sed 's/..$/:&/'

Some sort of ID is also required, and I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of this is. The specifications refer to some Internationalized Resource Identifier as defined by RFC 3987 but that's one standard too many for now. At the moment I use the relevant URL as the ID.

Ideally the mime-type of an Atom file should be served as “application/atom+xml”, which in Apache can be accomplished by adding

AddType application/atom+xml .atom

in a configuration file.

In a HTML file, one should add something like:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Title" href="http://some.url/something.atom">

and perhaps also lines like:

<a href="http://some.url/something.atom"><img src="http://some.url/feed-icon-16x16.png" alt="Site Feed" height="16" width="16" /></a> <a href="http://some.url/something.atom">Site Feed</a>

where the feed icons can be downloaded from feedicons.com.

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